The Westender is Back
The Westender Newspaper first published back in June 1973 is finally back to serve Hartford’s historical West End.
The New Westender
The Westender Newspaper was a monthly publication distributed to those living in the West End of Hartford. The paper published its first issue in June 1973, and continued publishing until 1985. The Westender covered upcoming events in the area, notable accomplishments by its residents, and any other information pertinent to the community. Its goal was to provide “[n]o editorial bias other than a lot of community pride,” and to “act as a responsible forum for discussion, debate, and disagreement within the neighborhood, and thus to foster a stronger sense of community.” (The Westender, Vol. 1, No.1, June 1973).
We are resurrecting the beloved Westender in order to try to regain some of that sense of community that the West End has lost in recent years and particularly over the last 2 years while shuttered in our homes during the pandemic. We hope you enjoy it, and look forward to hearing from you on all matters large and small.

The West End
The West End, located 1.5 miles from the center of Hartford, is home to a diverse population, fine owned and rental homes, a retail business center, several institutions, and one of the finest parks in the City. Among its special places are the Governor’s Mansion, Hartford Seminary recognized nationally for both its program and architecture, the University of Connecticut Law School, Hartford College for Women now associated with the University of Hartford, and the Connecticut Historical Society. Next door are the Mark Twain House, the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center, and the headquarters of several major insurance companies. Clemens Place, located on Farmington Avenue, is the largest historic apartment renovation ever undertaken in New England.
Get to know the West End, it’s landmarks, arquitecture, and it’s history here.
November 2021 Issue
Our November 2021 issue is our first publication in years! Download our issue for free and read about what’s currently happening in our community.
November 2021 issue contains news regarding Hartford Seminary, UCONN Law School, New State Laws, the Austin House, Curbside Gardens, and Local Schools.

West End Civic Association (WECA) is a neighborhood organization whose mission is to encourage and assist all community members to be good neighbors. WECA works to enhance the safety, quality of life and well-being of its residents. WECA promotes safe and beautiful streets, desirable housing, excellent schools, cultural and social events, historic preservation, and a thriving business corridor for the benefit of all community members.
Get to know about WECA, learn about becoming a member, and see our meeting times.